:: atlanta market :: / by Lauren Andrews

Last week I had the best time visiting Atlanta's market to see the latest and greatest of what our industry has to offer. Not only did I get to catch up with dear friends in the area, but I was able to make new connections and view all of the fabulous product that I so often pull for clients online!

I love market because I am able to judge the quality of the lines/finishes/fabrics in person. It is the best feeling when you have experienced a product so you have the ability to educate your clients on the materials and process. Plus, the shiny lights and cocktails don't hurt!

As always, I have my favorites that include Oly Studio, Four Hands, Arteriors, Palecek, and Studio A. Their designs are always interesting, innovative, and modern. If you need a conversational piece, you can count on these guys to deliver. They never let me down and I am always anxious to see the design of their booth!

So enjoy a few of my highlights from Atlanta's market .....


:: Get the look! Call Lauren @ 404.989.2386 ::